I am here to help you come into a deeper contact with yourself.
To move through your biggest fears and blocks in life.
To discover that you, and only you, can become the source of your own healing.
To deeply know your own unique differences, which connects you to your own innate belonging in this life.
I’m here to support you in being fully you.

all of you
is welcome
Hi, I’m Sanjay.
I’m a somatic therapist with nearly a decade of experience in private practice.
The work I do is more than just work, it’s a way of life.
It’s a way of engaging in relationship with yourself and the world around you.
It connects you to who you really are.
I’m not here to ‘fix’ you. You are not fixable because there’s nothing wrong with you.
And I get it, sometimes you struggle. Perhaps you want to make different choices in life. Perhaps you want different experiences.
I can guide and support your in your transformation.
The process involves going inwards. Into those darker rooms in your inner home that you haven’t visited in a while ~ or at all. You will need a flashlight. I will bring mine. I’ll pack extra batteries.
Together we will look at what you need to see, know, feel and ultimately experience about yourself. We’ll discover your “No’s” and your “Yes’s”.
In that new found awareness ~ you’ll naturally shift your relationship to yourself and the world.
Within these shifts, is where you’ll meet more and more authentic versions of yourself.
My Framework
Developmental and Familial Conditioning
In what ways we were conditioned and molded as children? What meaning did we make of our familial experiences?
Ancestral Trauma and
What impact did our ancestors and the lives they lived, have on us? What beliefs and ways of being got passed down to us through our lineage?
Who are we within the context of the larger social systems we inhabit? How does rank and power operate within these systems, and impact us?
What is the wisdom of your body signaling to you right now? How can we trust and follow these impulses in moving towards deeper wholeness?
My Offerings
If you are looking for focused support, this is likely the best place to start. This is the space where I hold a wide container in order to dive deep into wherever you need to go. My intention is to move at your pace, whatever that may be.
If you’re looking to cultivate a vibrant intimate relationship, couples work could be for you. My partner Melissa and I help couples in all kinds of situations find fulfillment and connection.
If you’re looking for a dynamic and actively interpersonal approach the work, groups may be for you. I offer number of different types of groups, that range from short to long term commitments. See what I have on offer right now.