
The committed group format is a deep dive into the core of who you are. Joining means that you are willing to change something in your life that doesn't serve you. It requires courage and builds maturity.  

Sanjay’s Deep Dives have changed my life and my relationship to myself forever. It’s given me permission and allowed me to show up for life in my realness and truth in whatever moment I am in. It’s rare to find someone who can accept and encourage you to show up exactly as you are and to love you there, that’s exactly what Sanjay holds space for. Its an honor to work with him as I continue to learn about myself in this deeply honest and raw way.
— J.M.

Committed process groups are spaces that foster intimacy and deep work.  

When you join a group, you enter into a self-exploratory constellation with others.  

The group space becomes an opportunity to reveal who you are beyond the face you present to the world.

As a group member you learn to explore how you react to the other members and this bring a new awareness to your needs and desires.  Being a witness to others, you have the potential to enter into a non-shaming relationship ~ and humbly see yourself in others.  

This is a profound space for healing and growth ~ a place where you can experience community, pleasure and recognize our shared humanity.  

It’s a unique container.  It has the potential to become a deeply intimate space - where each group member experiments, take risks and explores the edges of the question:

How much of my true self am I willing to share with the world?   

Ultimately, the group itself is a microcosm of our world.  The relationships are mirrors, and all your interactions within it become the gold you can mine for yourself and in service to others.

New Participants welcome in January 2025

Bi-weekly Tuesdays 7-9pm

112 West 27th St., NYC

Investment: $100 per session

Interview Required

  • Talk therapy can be powerful and transformative work. In my work we certainly talk and take time to explore your world through cognitive inquiry ~ though I don’t stop there.

    Picture it in terms of channels: Your mind is a radio channel. So we can tune into your mind, and hear all it has to say. Then - in the following moment - we can tune into a different radio station, and listen to your feelings. And another station we feel into your body and feel into its impulses. Perhaps I invite you to stand up and follow one of those impulses. Perhaps we tune into another channel, your sounds or your visualizations, etc. You have access to many channels. So the difference is that in my work I am supporting you to experience yourself (and your challenges) through various levels of your being.

    In this approach, we end up coming across many hidden parts that are far less accessible if we just choose to stay in a verbal only mode. It’s through this multi-dimensional freedom, that I support your emerging awareness to expand beyond what your mind is able to predict on its own.

    This creates an incredible opportunity for deep and lasting shifts to occur.

  • In our western culture, we tend to over-value our cognitive/mental realm more than we do our feeling/body realm. This lends towards the paradigm of do more + feel less.

    While only feeling deeply, and neglecting our rationality won’t serve us either ~ so the opposite is true.

    Our bodies contain wisdom. When we are doing something we know we don’t want to do — there is a feeling in our bodies that alerts us. Sometimes, that alarm is dulled out, and we override ourselves. Our body connects us to our intuition, our visceral power and the love in our hearts.

    The objective is to support you in becoming embodied. Embodiment means you:

    FEEL your truth
    SPEAK your truth
    EXPRESS your truth

    With your mind, heart, body and soul TOGETHER.

  • The main differences I’ve experienced with most somatic modalities, is the willingness in Core Energetics to dive into and own our unconscious negativity, or our unconscious inner “NO”.

    For example: let’s say you want to change a behavior, such as putting a boundary with someone. But every time you come to it, you slip back into an old pattern and you capitulate again.

    You want to change. You know you want to change. You know the behavior isn’t serving you. But you do it anyway. Why?

    Often, there is an unconscious force in us that resists changing out of a known way of being. We call these survival patterns. They are places in us that protected us from feeling overwhelming feelings of hurt, fear or anger ~ most often when we were too young to understand why we were feeling that way.

    Perhaps it says something like: “NO! I won’t risk the uncertainty of losing connection! I’ll do what you want, if you stay with me”. If we are unable to bring awareness to these place, its powerful energy and what it is protecting underneath ~ it will be very hard to make lasting changes in how we operate in the world.

    In this work, I will support you to find the hidden places in you, that may not be pretty or comfortable to see ~ though in seeing them it radically liberates us, and can bring you to your authentic YES.

  • Catharsis, or moments of full self expression is just one tool that we can use to help unstuck the stuck. It’s not essential, and it’s not the end goal of the work.

    It’s role in the process needs to be right sized for each individual. For some, it’s more needed, and for others maybe not at all.

    An intense emotional experience is harmful if you don’t have the appropriate grounding and containment to integrate it into your understanding of reality. This is why, for example, some people can have a hard time integrating poorly held, yet intense therapeutic, psychedelic or breathwork experiences. We need to know what we can handle, and an experienced practitioner is a needed guide in these kinds of explorations.

  • Individual Sessions are a great place to start if you’re looking for focused support, and to move at your own pace. It is a place where deep work can happen in a safe and contained space.

    Movement Group is a good place to start if you are wanting to connect with your own body and get in touch with more of your feelings. It’s an accessible group for those who don’t want to make a big commitment of time and travel, and want to try out or deepen into somatic bodywork.

    Process Group is a good place for those who want to expand their therapeutic work into the interpersonal realm. It’s for those who want to explore how they show up with others, and discover themselves with the help of a community of fellow adventurers. It tends to gravitate those who have done some inner work prior to joining.

    If you’re unsure, the best thing to do is reach out and we can have a 15 minute chat together.

If you’d like to know more about this work, watch the docuseries Group that my colleague David Sutcliffe created a number of years ago.

Trailer for Group: A Documentary Series

Working with Sanjay in his 10 week program altered the course of my year and how I show up in all my relationships, be they with family, at work, with friends, or personal relationships. Going in I knew I had work to do on boundaries and intimacy but didn’t know how or appreciate why.

Slowly, thoughtfully, and without any force, Sanjay helped me tease out the areas I was keeping myself small and gave me the container to express feelings I didn’t know were there (and those I did know about but wouldn’t let out). As a result of this work, I developed stronger boundaries, the ability to articulate my feelings, and most importantly, the ability to do so without shame or guilt but with confidence and peace.

The group environment was also more valuable than I could have ever predicted. I learned a lot about how I show up and react, as well as what triggers me in others; this propelled my ability to communicate and speak up for myself forward.

I can’t speak highly enough about Sanjay and the strength I gained through this process and highly recommend working with Sanjay to anyone who’s ready to see change in their lives.
— Lawyer & Participant in 10 week Deep Dive